Sharon Bottle Souva
Tuesday | August 9 | 10am-4pm
Member: $105 | Non-member: $115
4 min / 8 max
Some sewing and quilting experience is suggested.
Nature is full of beauty and the perfect place to find design ideas for artwork. Bring in a favorite nature photo and learn how to translate it into a small art quilt for your wall (approx. 24” x 15”). You’ll start by breaking your photo down to its basic design elements, then draw a simple sketch showing the essence of the landscape you’re working from. Based on these sketches, you’ll build the collage design directly on a quilted background using fusible/raw edged applique. Machine quilting will then complete and enhance the design and prepare it for your wall! *This class is for confident sewers or quilters. Please ask for student supply list when registering.
Class Registration
Please fill out this form to register or contact Marcia at (315) 686-4123 x203