chris murray photograph

Chris Murray


Thursday | July 21 | 9am-1pm

Member: $75 | Non-member: $85

5 min / 10 max

Class will be held at the Minna Anthony Common Nature Center in Wellesley Island State Park.

*TIAC discount is also available to Friends of the Nature Center Nature Center members for this class.


Join professional nature photographer Chris Murray and learn how to make beautiful photos with your smart phone.  In this workshop, Chris will help you learn the basic guidelines for composing your photographs as well as how to edit and enhance them after capture, all within your phone!  Time will be spent outside allowing students the opportunity to practice making photos using newly learned techniques.

Class Registration

Please fill out this form to register or contact Marcia at (315) 686-4123 x203

  • $0.00
  • PLEASE NOTE: You will be directed to PayPal to complete your payment. However, you do NOT need a PayPal account to complete your transaction, Click on "Pay with credit or Visa Debit card" to continue as a guest.